Polka Ventures, its Website and the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Polka Ventures disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement with respect to the services. Polka Ventures does not represent or warrant that the services and the information contained therein are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error free. Polka Ventures Does Not Provide Investment Advice. This document does not advice on the merits of any particular transactions or any taxation consequences. By entering into any transaction on the Platform, the User represents that he/she has been, are, and will be solely responsible for making their own independent appraisal and investigations of the risks of the transaction. The User represents that he/she has sufficient knowledge, market sophistication, professional advice and experience to make their own evaluation of the merits and risks of any transaction. Polka Ventures gives no representation, warranty, or guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of any such information or as to the tax consequences of any transaction. The User is solely responsible for any applicable taxes imposed on the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) purchased hereunder. Any trading recommendations, market commentary, or any other information provided by Polka Ventures or its representatives, are incidental to the User's relationship with Polka Ventures and impose no obligation of truth or due diligence on behalf of Polka Ventures or its representatives. Polka Ventures Does Not Provide an Investment Offer. This document or any other documentation available on the Polka Ventures website does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe to debentures, stocks or shares issued by any person or entity; rights, options or derivatives with respect to such debentures, stocks or shares; rights under a contract for differences or under any other contract the purpose or pretended purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss; units in a collective investment scheme; units in a business trust; derivatives of units in a business trust; or any other security or class of securities, and shall not be interpreted in that way. No data presented is deemed to be a basis for any investment decision. The Polka Ventures team makes no guarantee on the increase of demand, value or any other financial benefit of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN). Polka Ventures offering does not constitute an opportunity to obtain a future profit and shall not be bought with an expectation of profit from the efforts of others. Polka Ventures does not provide the User with any intellectual property rights, or any voting or governance rights or any other right to influence the development or operation of Polka Ventures , and does not represent any ownership right of Polka Ventures . Polka Ventures does not constitute a Financial Institution. Polka Ventures and/or the Platform development team or any of its Affiliates are not a financial institution and currently not under supervision of any financial supervisory authority. Polka Ventures does not provide any licensed financial services, such as investment services, fund management or investment advice unless with a future regulated fund vehicle. This vehicle does not address the public but might only address institutional investors. The Token Generation Event is not a public offering of equity or debt and consequently does not fall under the securities or any prospectus regulation. None of the information or analyses presented are intended to form the basis for any investment decision, and no specific recommendations are intended, and the Website is not and does not offer and shall not be construed as an investment or financial product. Risks: The User understands and acknowledges that the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN), Blockchain-based technologies, Ethereum, and other associated and related technologies are not exclusively controlled by Polka Ventures and adverse changes in market forces or the technology, broadly construed, may prevent or compromise the platform performance under White Paper and/ or the other Accompanying Documents. The purchase of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) carries with it a number of risks. Prior to purchasing the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN), the User should carefully consider the risks listed herein. If any of the following risks are unacceptable to the User, he/she should not purchase the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN). By purchasing the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN), and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the User is agreeing not to hold Polka Ventures or any Affiliates liable for any losses or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from, or in any way connected, to the sale of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN), including losses associated with the risks set forth herein. By using the Platform, the User represents/warrants and accepts that:
a. It is possible that due to a number of reasons outside of the Polka Ventures 's control, including but not limited to, changes in regulatory or intellectual property law, technological advancements, decreases in token or cryptocurrency utility, social or economic reforms, the failure of commercial relationships, or the malfunction, breakdown or abandonment of the Ethereum Protocol, the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN), Blockchain-based technology, Ethereum and other related technologies may dissolve, disappear, be abandoned or otherwise no longer operate, or operate with material impairments.
b. Any cryptocurrency that possess value in public markets, such as ETH, have demonstrated extreme fluctuations in price over short periods of time on a regular basis. A purchaser of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) should be prepared to expect similar fluctuations, both down and up, at the price of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) denominated in respective cryptocurrency (ETH). Such fluctuations are due to market forces and represent changes in the balance of supply and demand. Polka Ventures cannot and does not guarantee market liquidity of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN).
c. Polka Ventures and any of its Affiliates shall not be held liable to and shall not accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any change of the value of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) or cryptocurrency.
d. By purchasing the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN), the User expressly acknowledges and represents that he/she fully understand that they may experience volatility in pricing and will not seek to hold Polka Ventures liable for any losses or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from, or in any way connected to, the sale of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN).
e. Should the User proceed to purchase any Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) and the product fails to be suitable for the special or particular purpose as intended by the User, Polka Ventures or its Affiliates will not be liable to the User for such unsuitability (including but not limited to accepting the return of, or refunding to the User the purchase price of the respective Polka Ventures token (POLVEN)).
f. It is possible that the Platform will not be used by a large number of individuals, and other entities and that there will be limited public interest in the mentioned project and dissemination of equity. Such a lack of interest could impact further development of the Platform and potential use of it. Therefore, the success of the mentioned project cannot be predicted.
g. The User recognizes that the Platform is currently under development and may undergo particular changes in the future. The User acknowledges that any expectations regarding the form and functionality of the Platform held by the User may not be met upon release of the mentioned project, for any number of reasons, including a change in the design and implementation plans and execution of the implementation of the Platform.
h. It is possible that even if the Token Generation Event threshold is met, the insufficient funds will not feasibly develop Platform, possibly causing the effect that the Users may not be able to participate in any intended or implied projects. Polka Ventures shall not provide to the User any refund possibility (payout liquidity) for the purchased Polka Ventures token (POLVEN).
i. To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable Law, Polka Ventures or its Affiliates do not accept any liability for any damage or loss, including loss of business, revenue, or profits, or loss of or damage to data, equipment, or software (direct, indirect, punitive, actual, consequential, incidental, special, exemplary or otherwise), resulting from any use of, or inability to use, this Website or the material, information, software, facilities, services or content on this website, from the buying of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) or their use by the User, regardless of the basis, upon which the liability is claimed.
j. Polka Ventures shall not be liable for uninterrupted availability of the Website at all times, in all countries and/or all geographic locations, or at any given time.
k. There may be additional risks that cannot be anticipated or foreseen due to the incipience of cryptographic token technology, Blockchain-based technology, Ethereum and related technologies. Performance of the Services: Polka Ventures development team does not support any unfair or fraudulent practices and confirm their intention to further develop and elaborate the Polka Ventures's project. However, there are some risks, associated with cryptocurrency and digital tokens market, the User understands and accepts that while the Platform development team will make reasonable efforts to maintain the mentioned project. Polka Ventures or its Affiliates make no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, and assume no liability or responsibility for the proper performance of any services, online cryptocurrency services, assets or platforms and/or the information, images or audio contained or related to the Website. Polka Ventures will take reasonable steps to exclude any viruses or defects from the Website, but cannot guarantee or warrant that any material available for downloading from the Website will be free from infection, viruses and/or other code that has contaminating or destructive properties, defects will be corrected and accordingly no liability is accepted for defects and viruses. Polka Ventures is not responsible for the proper and/or complete transmission of the information contained in any electronic communication or of the electronic communication itself, nor for any delay in its delivery or receipt. Security measures have been implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of any of the services related to the Token Generation Event. However, despite this, information that is transmitted over the Internet or Blockchain may be susceptible to unlawful access and monitoring. Jurisdictions: The marketing and sale of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) are being made in the permitted jurisdictions on the basis that the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) do not constitute a security, financial instrument or otherwise regulated investment in those jurisdictions, such that the prospectus or other disclosure requirements and other investor safeguards that would apply to a securities offering will not apply to the issuance and sale of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) in the permitted jurisdictions. In addition, the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) are not regulated in the permitted jurisdictions and are not required to be registered with, or licensed or authorized by, relevant authorities in the permitted jurisdictions. If applicable law does not allow all or any part of the above limitation of liability to apply to you, the limitations will apply to the User only to the extent permitted by applicable law. The User understands and agrees that it is the User's obligation to ensure compliance with any legislation relevant to your country of domicile concerning use of the website, and that the User should not accept any liability for any illegal or unauthorized use of the website. Polka Ventures should not accept any liability for any illegal or unauthorized use of this Website and use and buying of the Polka Ventures token (POLVEN). Specific Worldwide Regulation. Certain jurisdictions restrict or have specific regulation concerning the offer, sale and/or purchase of cryptocurrencies and/or tokens through the Token Sale. The Polka Ventures token (POLVEN) shall not be marketed, offered, or sold to the residents of the People's Republic of China (excluding the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and Taiwan), South Korea, Japan, the United States, including the State of New York, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and any other possessions of the United States and/ or any jurisdiction where token sales might not be allowed. Specific Worldwide Regulation. Certain jurisdictions restrict or have specific regulation concerning the offer, sale and/or purchase of cryptocurrencies and/or tokens through the Token Sale.
l. Polka Ventures might consider creating a regulated investment fund for institutional investors. This vehicle might be a so called "JPF". The Jersey Private Fund (JPF) requires a consent to be issued pursuant to the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958 (COBO). A JPF which satisfies the eligibility criteria may be established and issued with a relevant consent pursuant to COBO using the streamlined authorisation process as issued by the Jersey Financial Services Commission and is subject to the approval by the latter. All JPF regulations are applying.